Buy vintage keyboards (new and refurbished units) direct on our online store. -
Videos and web media on Model M keyboards
"That's why the Model M has a spring under each key: When that spring buckles, it unambiguously communicates that fact to your fingertip. You feel the letter being made; there's no need to pound all the way to the bottom just to be sure.
Matt is obsessed with Clicky Keyboards. I'm a fan of the Model M and the PC-XT's 83 Key Keyboard.
Build your own uber-gamer keyboard with this Model M mod
Flickr slideshow of random lust and appreciation for model M keyboards:
This video tests the myth that a Model M keyboard can be used to kill a man and you can still type on it afterwards.
Useful links
"The Model M is also remembered for its overall heavy and sturdy design, which allowed the keyboard to survive far longer periods of time, use, and abuse than practically any other personal computer component ever manufactured."
The already venerable IBM Model M is retro-fitted with glass and nickel keys and mounted in a polished brass frame.
Try bolts and nuts, if your model M lost many melted plastic studs and if you want a superior model M.
While these instructions were great, I wanted to make a few notes about some of the details.
Eine Tastatur kann eine sehr persönliche Sache sein. Insbesondere wenn es sich dabei um ein sehr gut gebautes Modell handelt, wie zum Beispiel eine IBM Model M. Das Design der Model M stammt von 1984, sie hat aber auch Heute noch eine grosse Fangemeinde.
Clicky fever is indeed upon us. It's not hard to find a used one of these, but it is hard to find a clean one, so you'll need to break out the elbow grease. I've found instructions for cleaning the big version, but I haven't found any yet for the M2, whic
These old IBM PS/2 keyboards have been a long-time favourite of mine. I really like the positive, mechanical feel of their keys and find that I make fewer typing mistakes than with the cheap, plastic and rubber membrane ones which are commonly available t
Ah, the mighty IBM Model M — the best keyboard ever manufactured. The Model M was originally bundled with 8086 and 80286 IBM PS/2 computers dating from around 1986. The design has not been improved on since. Fortunately the Model M is so durable..
The IBM keyboard has a PS/2 interface, which is not available on most modern computers. to be able to use PS/2 keyboards with USB, clickeykeyboards.com offers nice and small converters. They have put some work in testing a lot of different brands
I love peripherals. I’ve gone through 4 sets of speakers in the past couple years and pretty much a new mouse every 2 months. But one peripheral I have never changed is my trusty IBM Model M keyboard.
Every key press could be heard, twice in fact. The down press is louder than the key up, but there was a sound involved with typing. There was also a feel, a feel I got used to and liked.
Keyswitches are central to the feel of computer keyboards.
The IBM Model M keyboard (P/N 1391401) is perhaps the finest, best-made typing device in production. Its sturdy construction, positive-response key action, and ease of maintenance are legendary
Newspaper articles and blogs on Model M keyboards
Judging keyboards is largely a matter of taste. I found the D2's keyboard one of the best I've ever used, with a crisp, positive feel. It has 101 keys and attaches to the front of the system unit with a long coiled cord, so you have a good deal of freedom
COMPUTER users rarely give much thought to their keyboards, yet they spend far more time in contact with the keys than with any other peripheral, with the possible exception of time spent making eye contact with the monitor.
One thing I've learned: Hardware manufacturers may not have noticed, but we users care deeply about our keyboards. To be more specific, our keys.
I did a wibble across the web for an IBM Model M keyboard. I've used those in the dim and distant past because I'm ancient. But I opted for a re-furbed IBM/R instead and bought one from this site.
Sie ist die ewige Königin der Tastaturen - und ein unerträglicher Nervtöter im Großraumbüro: Vor über 20 Jahren entwickelte IBM das Modell M...
I’ve accidentally become some sort of Internet authority on clicky IBM-type keyboards.
While much has changed in the computing world since the introduction of the IBM Model M keyboard 24 years ago, the iconic keyboard has remained almost entirely unchanged.
I unpacked and connected it right away and I've been using it ever since, every day, here in my office. The action is great, a little like well-oiled manual, a little like one of the classic indestructible IBM clacky sysadmin keyboards.
Good keyboards Once upon a time, using a computer was a loud, tactile affair. The keyboards on early IBM PCs were heavy, had a great feel, and made a satisfying clacking noise when you typed, thanks to the expensive "buckling spring" design...
Hint....#3 is IBM model M
...and has now been turned into the even more rare "Datamancer Ergo".
"..most OEMs were willing to pay a fair price for keyboards in order to receive service support, engineering capabilities and quick response, but now everything is price."
Keyboards are one of the essentials of web work; if you can’t get words into your computer, you probably can’t get much done.
Das Keyboard, I worked with the IBM Model M: I knew the Model M; the Model M was a friend of mine. Das Keyboard, you're no IBM Model M.
There's something really satisfying about the thunderous racket created by a nice tactile keyboard. The buttons move smoothly and lightly. As I type these words I find myself typing very fast.
Other users like their keyboards loud, clicky, and heavy enough to beat a man to death with. Fifty bucks is a lot to put down for a keyboard, but these beasts can easily last a couple of decades.
Désigné dans les années 85-87, il est le clavier livré avec les IBM PS/2 (certains modèles, genre 60-80 en colonnes), donc nativement sur port PS/2, et est le premier clavier PS/2 tout court.
I wanted one of these keyboards for years. It was the first keyboard I used, back when I was 7 years old and I was learning Basic in an institute (I think it was 1988), and since then I always wanted a Model M.
Da ich vor kurzem in der Firma eine aus dem Müll gerettet habe, bei der nur die Pins im Kabel etwas eingedrückt waren, habe ich nun vier dieser wunderbarenn Tastaturen.
got my first IBM style PC (as opposed to Commodore, Atari, Apple II) about 1990. A lot has improved since then; just about everything, in fact. With one glaring exception -- the keyboard.
Lots of times, the most-overlooked components in computers are the input devices. However, keyboards and mice are arguably the most important components for serious gamers.
One of the things that *does* have me smiling today is that my "new" old keyboard arrived yesterday. It's a Dell keyboard from 1998-1999 that, while it has a different mechanism, emulates the feel of the classic IBM Model M keyboard.
Kyseessä on klassinen IBM:män valmistama M-mallin näppäimistö, eli ns. kliksumalli. Jokainen näppäin päästää painettaessa terävän kliksahduksen.
I own an IBM Model M keyboard, that I bought used. I initially bought it because it reminded me of the old XTs I used to learn DOS in. Over time, I have realized many benefits from it.